It is with great pleasure and pride that we congratulate our Lab director, Dr. Ana Pinheiro, on receiving the Rising Star Award at the 2022 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) in Florence, Italy! Warmest congratulations on your achievement!
Congratulations – MSc Students
2022-01-10T17:49:51+00:00Congratulations to Lucas and Ricardo for their successful Master Thesis defenses on the 16th of December. Excellent work and presentations! Best wishes to both of them in their future plans and endeavors!
Pointing with words – Language as a social motor activity?
2020-11-06T11:58:11+00:00Language is everywhere and the use of it is one of the defining features of the human species. But how does it come that we can transmit even complex ideas by uttering a number of different sounds? Why do we understand those sounds as meaningful? Here I want to introduce you to one recently proposed…
Why do we get chills when listening to music?
2020-11-06T11:28:06+00:00Have you ever experienced a pleasant chill running up your spine when listening to a piece of music or a given harmony? Or goose bumps raising up your arms? Musical frisson… This phenomenon is defined as music frisson. Listening to emotionally moving music can trigger a strong emotional reaction (e.g., joy, nostalgia) and influence our…